When asked a question like that, does your face immediately contort into a mixture of anger, confusion and desperation? Are you reacting to the accusatory tone of voice which is utilized to deliver a question like that? Does it cause your face to harden?
Now, If the answer is yes, then please, STOP. Relax your face. Sure, it is perfectly normal to react to a question like that, but once you do, try to take a deep breathe and chill. Melt that face of yours. let the anger drop off. There's no need for it.
There are a multitude of reasons for why a person is single, and that's ok. In the immortal words of Don Draper, "You're born alone and you die alone and this world drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts."
Take me for example, as 2014 is coming to a close, I have been in 3 relationships this year. All have been brief. By brief, I mean less than 3 months. Many of my friends find the words "single" and "Greg" to be synonymous.
The question, "Why are you still single?" has been directed toward me so many times that I am no longer annoyed by it. I am now amused. Why? Well, for starters I have many answers and those answers are all honest. My honesty allows me to be care free.
If you're reading this and are "still" single too, perhaps we share the same reasons.
-I cannot control why I am single. I just am.
-I'm too awesome to be in a relationship.
-I'm young.
-I haven't met anyone who is worthy of my time. Yes, I value my time, don't you?
-Met someone at the wrong time.
-Person of interest moved away.
-Feelings faded.
-I screwed up my chances with said person.-
-They screwed up their chances with me.
-Person cannot let go of their ex.
-I'm not right for that person or vice-versa.
-Haven't met someone I want to truly be with
-Every time I meet a hot woman, something is wrong with em.
-Am I picky? I don't know...you tell me.
-The person is timid..."timid bores me," (Ellaria Sand, Game of Thrones).
-Age does in fact matter.
-I never made a move.
-We remained friends.
There are an abundance of reasons. I have come to learn that it is ok. The "still" is yet another convoluted tool that society uses to perpetuate the notion that it is bad to be alone.
If you're alone, then you must be lonely. You need to remain together, eventually marry, have kids and contribute to the population...Yup, I said it. I am now 24. I am at the high point of my life. I have a large network of filmmakers, writers, actors, editors, collaborators, etc. I am happy. I have goals. I am on a mission. The pursuit is keeping me going.
The cliches are true. For me, women come and go.
It is easy to meet women. There is a sea of them. I live in New York City. The opportunities are endless.
Is their a hookup culture? Yes. Do I thrive in it. Hell yes...does it affect my dating habits...of course.
Have I missed out on wonderful opportunities...maybe, but I'm not sweating the past and neither should you.
We live in the age of online dating, instantaneous communication and morbid gossip. We're picky, eager, multi-tasking, shallow individuals, with short attention spans. Swipe right or left people please!
Yet, for me, I enjoy meeting people even if things don't necessarily reflect on the relationship scoreboard of life. I meet women all the time. I love it. Talking to multiple women at once is an awesome learning experience. It also bolsters my chances of getting laid.
So, I do not enter many relationships. In college I seldom dated, I hooked up a lot, because it was...college. Once again, I'm young so I have the perspective of, I don't need a relationship for any reason really.
I don't need a relationship for sex.
We all know this. So let me finally dive in to the core of this post.
Enjoy being single. Revel in it. You're independent. Concentrate on your life. Discover what your ambitions are. Meet your goals. Focus on your dreams. Keep the relationships on the back burner. Have lots of amazing sex. Be a slut, because it's the 21st century, we're all sluts. Get with the program, the program is get busy fucking or get busy dying. People will judge you, you cannot stop them from doing that, by understanding that you will always lose that battle, you actually win it.
You have the rest of your life to be in relationships. If a relationship is really your thing, great. If it's hampering your dreams, then it is time to find a new thing.
I notice that I am the type of person who comes off as a flirt. I come off that way, because I am.
Forget the courting crap...who has time? I'm blunt. If I find you attractive, I'm going to let you know. I'm vulgar. My lexicon can get dirty in heart beat. If you think I'm attractive, let's cut the bullshit and get together.
I remember growing up watching all of these male comedians talk about how women are crazy and they have major emotional issues. You can't live with them and you can't live without em. I learned what that truly meant last year! Relationships are harder than ever. It requires a lot of investment and quite frankly, I have yet to meet someone (post-college) who I have felt strongly enough to pursue anything remotely serious with.
"Why are you still single?"
"How are the women?" It comes again and again. "Why is there no woman around your arm?"
"Greg, you're smart and good looking. Why no girlfriend?"
"Is there something, that you're doing wrong?"
"It's gotta be you." "What's wrong with you?" "Still single?"
It comes in a barrage and does not end until they see you holding hands.
"Where is she?"
I have no concrete answer, because I don't need one. I'm single.
I met this gorgeous Chilean woman named Belu, last year. She called me a Jelou...I thought it meant jealous...I looked it up, it means, "A man who does not realize how handsome he is..."
That's all I have to say on this.
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Monday, December 29, 2014
Sunday, December 28, 2014
"How Should One View Criticism?" By Greg Hernandez
How you handle criticism, speaks volumes of your character.
How should you view it? As a bright opportunity to get better in your respective craft.
Today, many of my close friends came over to my home. The purpose for this group visit was for the production meeting of a short film that I am currently writing.
They spoke about how far the story has come from the 1st draft to the 4th. I looked around my living room at my peers. This wonderful group of talented individuals are from my Alma Mater. Many came from great distances to be apart of something that I have created. It was beyond inspiring.
I listened to their comments, unbiased and completely devoid of ego. I realized the truth. It is because of them that my story has come this far. Their constructive criticisms, ideas, questions and overall thoughts have helped me to create a story worth telling.
I am thankful that I have an abundance of friends who care enough to read draft after draft with the purpose of making it great. A sudden burst of realism strikes me like a harsh wind. "They care so much about this story!"
I am happy that I have learned how to be more receptive to sharp criticisms. It allows me to look at myself differently. The criticisms force me to take a long, hard look at my work and see it in the eyes of someone else.
A fresh perspective gives me the advantage to cultivate true writing. By, true writing, I mean something new. No more cliches. Thanks to the honesty and support of my friends, I am equipped with the tools to become a better writer and person.
As a human being, we never truly look forward to hearing or seeing our work critiqued, but I have now matured enough to the point that I understand that it is necessary to tackle the criticisms. It will make me better.
Now, I look forward to the criticism. I am thankful that I have such a strong network of friends, who can read my work and fire back amazing comments, notes and corrections my way.
I believe in accepting criticism. It is an important part of growing in one's craft. I respect everyone's view. I look forward to everyone's thoughts on whatever project I am involved with. Equality is important. We're all human beings. We all have brains. We all deserve to let our thoughts be known.
I try my best to never shy away from listening to someone's thoughts on my work. I honestly believe that should be the case for all writing. Professional or amateur.
There have been so many forewords that I have read by my favorite artists who have extensively discussed how it is imperative that all their editors, publishers, friends and family members read their work and give them feedback.
As someone who deeply enjoys the process of writing a good story, I find receiving feedback and revising to be equally titillating. I just flat out love it. Without my network of friends to assist me, I would be way behind as a writer.
Keep your intelligent and trustworthy friends by your side. They are the key to making you become the better you.
I owe many thanks to my friend Ashley Smith, who is my personal editor.
How should you view it? As a bright opportunity to get better in your respective craft.
Today, many of my close friends came over to my home. The purpose for this group visit was for the production meeting of a short film that I am currently writing.
They spoke about how far the story has come from the 1st draft to the 4th. I looked around my living room at my peers. This wonderful group of talented individuals are from my Alma Mater. Many came from great distances to be apart of something that I have created. It was beyond inspiring.
I listened to their comments, unbiased and completely devoid of ego. I realized the truth. It is because of them that my story has come this far. Their constructive criticisms, ideas, questions and overall thoughts have helped me to create a story worth telling.
I am thankful that I have an abundance of friends who care enough to read draft after draft with the purpose of making it great. A sudden burst of realism strikes me like a harsh wind. "They care so much about this story!"
I am happy that I have learned how to be more receptive to sharp criticisms. It allows me to look at myself differently. The criticisms force me to take a long, hard look at my work and see it in the eyes of someone else.
A fresh perspective gives me the advantage to cultivate true writing. By, true writing, I mean something new. No more cliches. Thanks to the honesty and support of my friends, I am equipped with the tools to become a better writer and person.
As a human being, we never truly look forward to hearing or seeing our work critiqued, but I have now matured enough to the point that I understand that it is necessary to tackle the criticisms. It will make me better.
Now, I look forward to the criticism. I am thankful that I have such a strong network of friends, who can read my work and fire back amazing comments, notes and corrections my way.
I believe in accepting criticism. It is an important part of growing in one's craft. I respect everyone's view. I look forward to everyone's thoughts on whatever project I am involved with. Equality is important. We're all human beings. We all have brains. We all deserve to let our thoughts be known.
I try my best to never shy away from listening to someone's thoughts on my work. I honestly believe that should be the case for all writing. Professional or amateur.
There have been so many forewords that I have read by my favorite artists who have extensively discussed how it is imperative that all their editors, publishers, friends and family members read their work and give them feedback.
As someone who deeply enjoys the process of writing a good story, I find receiving feedback and revising to be equally titillating. I just flat out love it. Without my network of friends to assist me, I would be way behind as a writer.
Keep your intelligent and trustworthy friends by your side. They are the key to making you become the better you.
I owe many thanks to my friend Ashley Smith, who is my personal editor.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Education, Tuition Cost and Life After College
Their list of worries are as followed:
- Work.
- Loan Payments.
- When to move out?
- Wait, should I move out?
- If so, where to?
- How long should I wait to move out?
- How do I make my dream(s) possible?
- What are the necessary steps?
-Why don't I have this figured out yet?
-Graduate school or travel for a year?
-Wait, travelling, costs money...so does Graduate School...Hmm,,,backpacking? Solo travelling?
-Why don't I have this figured out yet?
-Graduate school or travel for a year?
-Wait, travelling, costs money...so does Graduate School...Hmm,,,backpacking? Solo travelling?
The list as I'm sure you're aware, goes on...
Below are some helpful tips and suggestions that can help ease your tension.
This list is not meant to solve your problems. It is meant to get your thoughts going for a good game plan.
If this list does not help, I have a little rant afterward.
Below are some helpful tips and suggestions that can help ease your tension.
This list is not meant to solve your problems. It is meant to get your thoughts going for a good game plan.
If this list does not help, I have a little rant afterward.
1. Network - We live in the age of instantaneous information. Social Media is that epicenter of said information. My generation is in the middle of it. Ten years ago I was 13 and in the 8th grade. I did not get a cell phone from my parents until I nearly graduated that year. Now I possess a bevy of skills that afford me a multitude of possibilities. I can peruse the web on my phone. I can update my websites, profiles, photos, blogs, acting reels and respond to e-mails. I can create effective content that can maximize the marketing potential of my brand - that brand is me.
Be selfish, this is your life. You are your brand. Help optimize the brand- "you" make yourself marketable for life after college.
"Begin to monitor your Facebook and other social media accounts. Keep inappropriate or provocative photos and information off your page or change your privacy settings, so that employers cannot see them."
The above advice is something I snagged from the Internet. While I agree with most of it, keep in mind that employers want to find the most qualified candidate. The qualifications include who is the right fit, personality wise.
So, yes clean up your Facebook, but keep it interesting, be you. The right career will come.
The above advice is something I snagged from the Internet. While I agree with most of it, keep in mind that employers want to find the most qualified candidate. The qualifications include who is the right fit, personality wise.
So, yes clean up your Facebook, but keep it interesting, be you. The right career will come.
Building your own website: Highlight all of your accomplishments, ambitions and passions. All are relevant.
Create your own business card: If you meet someone - anywhere you can secure them as a contact with your card.
Meet people: Do not just apply for jobs, do not limit yourself. Attend workshops, gatherings, parties and any other social events that will help you meet the right person/people. Remain upbeat and be outside, after all, some times it comes down to who you know.
Always dress your best: You never know when opportunity will strike. It would behoove you to try to always be prepared. Going into the city, dress well.
Meet people: Do not just apply for jobs, do not limit yourself. Attend workshops, gatherings, parties and any other social events that will help you meet the right person/people. Remain upbeat and be outside, after all, some times it comes down to who you know.
Always dress your best: You never know when opportunity will strike. It would behoove you to try to always be prepared. Going into the city, dress well.
2, Use all campus resources
Before you graduate, have your resume reviewed by a peer assistant at the career center
Speak with your professors and mentors.
- Ask them to serve as your references. They can help you out in your job search by vouching for you as an excellent candidate
3. Volunteer
This is a quick route to take if you're unsure of what to do after college,
Volunteering is a great way to stay active in a community.
Yes, it sucks to not get paid for work, but remember that volunteer work looks terrific on a resume and it is a great way to establish connections and further expand your network.
This is a quick route to take if you're unsure of what to do after college,
Volunteering is a great way to stay active in a community.
Yes, it sucks to not get paid for work, but remember that volunteer work looks terrific on a resume and it is a great way to establish connections and further expand your network.
4. Develop Other Skills
Work on your deficiencies. Turn your weaknesses into strengths. Face your short comings and improve. It will make you more of an asset.
Below is a quick general list many employers are looking for in the modern world.
Work on your deficiencies. Turn your weaknesses into strengths. Face your short comings and improve. It will make you more of an asset.
Below is a quick general list many employers are looking for in the modern world.
1. Ability to work in a team
2. Ability to make decisions and solve problems
3. Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work
4. Ability to communicate verbally with people
inside and outside an organization
5. Ability to obtain and process information
6. Ability to analyze quantitative data
7. Technical knowledge related to the job
8. Proficiency with computer software programs
9. Ability to create and/or edit written reports
10. Ability to sell and influence others
5. Remember Those In Your Corner
Remember, having the support of even just one person can make a difference.
When you're feeling blue about your employment predicament, please allow whoever it is in your corner to lift your spirits.
Try not to shut them out. They are trying to help. You need them and they need you to remain upbeat.
Remember, having the support of even just one person can make a difference.
When you're feeling blue about your employment predicament, please allow whoever it is in your corner to lift your spirits.
Try not to shut them out. They are trying to help. You need them and they need you to remain upbeat.
While riding the subway home after work, I saw this
poster on the subway.
I had a harsh reaction to it.
I thought, "Here's A Better Plan...Lower
College Costs..."
Obama says that education is priceless. He's not
wrong, but he's not right either. Education is priceless, but college is not.
The cost of tuition continues to rise every year, which exacerbates the already
heavy burden placed on middle and working class families. The word, "Class" annoys the hell out of me...forget class systems...
I am not going to get into specifics, in regards to
numbers, but honestly this system is flat out against us. "Since 1985,
U.S. college costs have surged by about 500 percent, and tuition fees keep
rising. "
-Why should I pay to learn?
-Why should I pay to live and be fed while learning?
- Paying to live on college for the whole year when I'm there for only 10 months....12 months of rent...c'mon man!
- Paying to live on college for the whole year when I'm there for only 10 months....12 months of rent...c'mon man!
-Is learning a privilege or a right? Answer: It's an expensive privilege...
-What the hell is out-of-state tuition? Paying more
to go to another state to learn is despicable...
-Why do textbooks cost so much?
-We improve the infrastructure of our college
buildings, but not your bridges...why? Oh I know why...because there's money in
Students are like cash cows...we pay all of this
money for a fucking piece of paper that cannot guarantee us a career, but only
Graduate school is thrown at us, but that is even
more money...more loans...and if you are not accepted...more heartache...
Join the military to avoid debt...I see what is
going on here, America.
Everyone must go to college and spend...college is
not affordable, but there are plans to make sure that you are able to pay in
full...that is not affordable.
Education is priceless...college is not. College is
not necessary. Yes. I said it.
Get your high school diploma and leave the
country. Apply to schools in Finland or Germany where the tuition is free. Start your living in northern Europe.
I snagged the below statement from an article I read on countries that offer free college tuition.
"Dorothee Stapelfeldt, a senator in the northern city of
Hamburg, said tuition fees "discourage young people who do not have a
traditional academic family background from taking up study. It is a core task of politics to ensure that
young women and men can study with a high quality standard free of charge in
It has been extremely difficult for me to land a full-time job that I want to actually wake up in the morning for. I had a job offer after college, but turned it down, because I realized it would not make me happy.
Instead, I have had numerous interviews, several freelance jobs and gigs.
I want to move out soon, but still need to save money and land a better job.
I want to move out soon, but still need to save money and land a better job.
Notice, I have only said the word, "job," so far. I know what my career will be.
I want to be a story teller. I will write for movies, television and theatre.
I will act. I will produce, I will direct. I will advertise my brand: me.
I know I will do all of this, because I already am doing all of this.
My side projects are, Blogging, Creative Writing, Acting, Film, Theatre and Photography.
Soon, I will be able to live off of my side projects. I am keeping my dream alive through them.
So, my last bit of advice is this, you've paid so much for your education: which entails what you have learned in the classroom and everything you have experienced outside of it.
I met a lot of awesome people in college.
My network is quite large. I am happy that my side projects have helped to keep me sane.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Hello World
I know the title isn't exactly interesting but it shows how I feel about my writing. It's not the best but that's why I'm doing this. And thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, it's much appreciated. I haven't let anyone else read any of my writing for years, out of fear of it being deemed "bad" or "stupid". Two basic but powerful words. What's life if not about sharing with others? I know, a little deep for my first post but what the hell.
Heres a some info about me:
My names Eston.
Ahh forget that you'll learn more along the way.
There are a few things I want to accomplish with this. I won't bore you with all of them just the special one's.
Thanks again for reading and I sincerely hope you enjoy.
OH and thanks Greg, my dear friend, for giving me this opportunity!
-Eston Jr.
Heres a some info about me:
My names Eston.
Ahh forget that you'll learn more along the way.
There are a few things I want to accomplish with this. I won't bore you with all of them just the special one's.
- Growth- Who doesn't want this? But seriously, the gloves are off. Disagree with me. Tell me how you feel. Help me. Criticize my writing. Anything to push me or rather us forward.
- Honesty- this isn't an essay for school which is pretty much the only thing I've written for for a few years now. So I'm going to leave the bullshit at the door. Besides I can't regret anything if I'm giving it 100% right?
- Fun- Because it's important to stay positive(I can be a bit annoying with that at times). "Why so serious?" Life's too short to forget to smile yet somehow that manages to happen.
Thanks again for reading and I sincerely hope you enjoy.
OH and thanks Greg, my dear friend, for giving me this opportunity!
-Eston Jr.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
The Upstater’s Experience: Not Everyone is Upstate
I flatter myself to think that I am a relatively frequent
traveler. I take some small pride in being able to say that, aside from
spending the first eighteen years of my life calling the same small town “home,”
I have lived in North Carolina, spent summers in Virginia and South Carolina,
visited sixteen states outside of my own (with every intention of expanding
that list quickly), and dabbled in international travel. I regularly make
considerably extensive road trips, often by myself. Suffice to say, I am not a
complete homebody, which certainly made things emotionally convenient on some
level when I decided to move away.
Unfortunately I have a tendency to look back, all too
frequently, after making a rather big move. This is where the cliché “the grass
looks greener on the other side” collides with “you don’t know what you have
until it’s gone.” Seeing new places is great, and the memories from each
previous place are sweet, but at each location friends are left behind. I love
being able to boast of having friends spread across the country, but the
majority of my closest friends are at least a considerably long bus trip from
Brooklyn, if not a day-long journey or multiple plane rides. Maintaining these friendships is a worthwhile
and rewarding effort, but I often allow myself to get so caught up in past
relationships that I neglect forming new ones.
Recently I was, yet again, bemoaning the difficulty of
maintaining a long-distance acquaintance to one of my gracious roommates. He
patiently reminded me that “not everyone’s Upstate.” This stunningly simple
statement, for whatever reason, struck me in a way that previous conversations
on the subject never have. Although prone to wander, I leave so many of my emotional
investments behind me, and I fail to take full advantage of the opportunities
of the here and now. I often spend more free time on Skype chats and calls home
than on reaching out to the city-goers around me, and upon moving to Brooklyn I
quickly shied away from making new friends or tracking down old ones.
Perhaps my wariness indicates my hesitation to adopt
Brooklyn as my home. During the early planning stages of the move I found it
hard to believe that I was actually moving to the vicinity of a city I swore I
would never permanently inhabit, and out of stubbornness – or perhaps fear that
I would get too comfortable in a place I may not be able to afford to live in –
I systematically put up some emotional barriers to protect myself from growing too
This is not the first time I have taken this route, but now
recognizing this harmful pattern, I have begun taking steps to break down these
walls and establish the roots I need in order to truly invest my time here
wisely. Wouldn’t you know it; my efforts
were not in vain. A few olive branches later revealed that, in spite of my
estrangement, not everyone is as introverted as I am. As it turns out,
city-slickers and Upstaters alike enjoy pizza, beer, and 90s movie viewing
My old friends are incredible and I would not trade them for
anything, but the city contains so many more kind and interesting potential
friends than I initially gave it credit for, people willing and open to making
friends as long as I am equally willing to put in the effort. It is only fair
that I give the new friends a chance to become old friends, too.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Strong is the New Skinny

“Strong is the New Skinny.” Love this saying! Instead of focusing on attaining a specific body shape, focus on building strength. Let’s change “I wish I was thin” to “I will be strong.” Shifting that perspective will allow you to accept your body while feeling empowered during your fitness journey.
Stay fit, and keep persevering!
Originally posted on http://bodyculture.us
Instagram @srollz
body positive,
body positivity,
weight loss
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Boardwalk Empire S5E8 Finale Review: "Eldorado" By Greg Hernandez
"But he grew old —
This knight so bold —
And o’er his heart a shadow —
Fell as he found
No spot on the ground
That looked like Eldorado."
Edgar Allen Poe, "Eldorado."
- Nucky is taking a swim at the beach was quite a poignant image. The symbolism is obvious. Nucky is man who cannot wash away his sins, no matter how far out he swims.
This scene is further elaborated upon when Nucky visits Eli one last time. He tells his brother about his swim. He had not gotten up that early for a swim in forty-five years. It was the furthest Nucky had ever gone, past the surf. "Keep going." I thought. "Keep going until you can't turn back."
"Once you're that far, there's no choice."
The dialogue in this final episode was instrumental in illustrating the end of this series. It was masterfully written. The show runners had a very clear vision for this finale, the only problem was the middle. If you don't believe me, go back and re-watch this season with the closed caption on.
When Eli asked Nucky why he was always the wise one, Nucky's answer is perfect. He simply says, "because you needed me to be." Eli is the little brother, who still asks his elder brother for advice. It's not that he cannot think for himself, it's that he does not try - which is evident with his hesitation to knock on his wife's door.
"She won't answer. She won't. Eli says.
Nucky tells him that he will regret not trying.
The Thompson brothers end on a good note. Nucky gives Eli a bag full of money and some shaving equipment. Time to get busy living Eli - is what Nucky is saying. It was a good and consistent call by Nucky to also point out that this is the last time they will see each other. I say consistent for two reasons; One: all of the history with these two is beyond tumultuous.
Two: this is the series finale - this element added more of a sense of finality to the story. Remember, these characters do not know that this is the end. We, the audience watch this unfold, knowing that the minutes are slipping away on their lives.
Nucky's final net worth is north of $2, 364, 120
While Margaret's is a more modest $29, 925. "Not bad for a day's work.
- Joe Kennedy, so many fictional characters have died this season; I was happy that this real life character was back for the finale. There is so much political posturing in late 1931. It makes sense because there was so much speculation surrounding the repeal of prohibition. Making liquor illegal would help bolster the economy during the depression. Imagine if liquor was outlawed again?
Joe referring to Hoover, "I said the horse, not the jackass." made me chortle. Roosevelt will win the impending election. Prohibition will be repealed.
Joe storms into "Conors & Gould" to accuse Margaret and Nucky of shorting his stock.
"Your husband is trying to screw me."
"I prefer to do the screwing myself." We know Joe, you have eight kids...or maybe more now? It has been a few episodes since we last saw you...
Margaret has evolved into a smooth, financial crook. She is good at the numbers game. She is the mastermind behind the shorting of Joe's stock. Ha! It is obvious that she and Nucky are swindling Joe. Instead of making him an enemy, she cuts him in as a partner. She waits until the confidence in the Mayflower corporation is so low that both she and Joe are sweating through their clothes and then...she sells the whole thing.
I thoroughly enjoyed the exchange between Joe and Margaret. Joe shakes Margaret's hand and finds that she is sweating. He voices his observation and Margaret darts back, "Weren't you?"
Unlike Nucky and Rothstein, Joe is unable to do business with a woman without insinuating that they hook up. He is let down by a cool, calm and collected woman who is all business. She informs him that he can come visit her during office hours and that her firm would love to have his business. There you go Joe. Stay true to your wife.
-Luciano, Meyer and Bugsy are sitting at top the gangster world. The meeting is set. The commission will be constructed. An organized crime syndicate with Italians, Irish and Jews working together to make as much money as possible.
I like the emphasis of the round table. "We're all bosses here."
"The Mustache Petes are in the ground." This is the future that we sadly do not get a chance to see.
Notice how Johnny Torrio is not present during this meeting. He helped get Luciano and Meyer to this point, but now they no longer need his counsel.
The young do not wish to listen to the old for very long.
-Capone was also not present at that meeting. It is time for Al to turn himself in to the feds for tax evasion. It is a reminder that no matter how powerful one person is, finance rules over us all.
This episode showed us the other side of Capone - the human side. It allowed us to remember him as not just the caricature of a hot-headed, loud mouth, drugged up, gun totting gangster, but as a family man. I saw such a range of emotion from Capone. Kudos to Stephen Graham for giving us all a brilliant portrayal of the most infamous gangster in history.
Capone's scene with his deaf son was very touching. Al tells his son that he is going away for doing bad things. He sternly reminds his son to listen to his mother. The best part was hearing the son say that he wants to help his father. That moment was reminiscent of bedroom scene between Michael and Anthony in Godfather Part 2. Watching Al's son put up his dukes hit home for me. He will continue to fight. Even with his father going away, he will not allow himself to be bullied. He will continue learning and growing as a human being. He will become a man. The hug was the cherry on top for this scene.
Watching Capone in the car, he is scared! The humanity shines. He collects himself and steps out of the car. Ready to face the people, the press, the trial and his future.
He told his brother not to worry, to smile, they'll buy off a judge. He told his wife to calm down, to make coffee. A family is on the verge of being torn apart due to the end of the Chicago outfit and Capone's trial. Will Ralph take it over? That doesn't matter. Capone's time on top is over.
He stares down D'Angelo and tips his hat toward him.
Capone's final scene of the series was perfect. In fact, had this show been centered on him, I would have applauded that ending. A fine end to a wonderful character.
Best bits
-Joe Kennedy explaining three things that are difficult to understand.
1. The work of the bees.
2. Movements of the tide.
3. The mind of a woman.
Margaret of course shoots back with an experiment for Joe. "Think about the things you want in life and picture yourself wearing a dress."
Man has been trying to figure out women for a long time...stop. We're quite similar actually.
-Capone joking to his wife about whether a famous woman is a "dyke" and telling his wife that reporters from the Chicago Tribute are all like washerwoman. Nothing but gossip!
-Luciano telling Meyer not to clock him for having three whiskeys in one hour.
Luciano also mentioned Dutch Schultz. It's a shame this show had to end so quickly. Had there been no time jump. There easily could have been one more season to showcase Rothstein's death and show some of the intense turf wars between Capone and Bugs Moran.
-Siegel jokes, when Meyer is listing off the names of those coming to the meeting, "Are those types of cheeses?"
-Narcisse had one scene in the finale and it was a brief one. The doctor finally gets whacked, by the Italians. There is no speculation of his death, he is shot in the head one last time by an assailant.
-Eldorado- is a lavish apartment complex in Manhattan. Margaret and Nucky share a dance with an appropriate song in the background that pretty much tells the audience exactly what they are seeing. Times have passed, but the sweet memories remain. There is still a spark between these two, but it is simply not meant to be.
"We danced once, didn't we?" asks Nucky.
Nucky is planning to move to the El dorado. He's lost Mabel, Billie Kent and Sally. Margaret remains.
-Mabel's miscarriage. A flashback to a young Nucky reveals the cause of what eventually led to Mabel's descent into drinking. He finds her bloody garments. He asks what happened, "A mishap." is how she explains things. He then gets on his knees and says that they should call a doctor. Mabel refuses. He then tells her in a grief stricken voice, "I work for this. Everything. For this. I love you. I disappoint you whatever I do, don't I?"
-Commodore- Nucky was always obsequious toward the devil- like figure back then. The Commodore takes Nucky's Sheriff badge away. He doesn't believe in him. Nucky darts back with the whole I'm loyal and dependent routine. His rhetoric isn't good enough.
What the Commodore said is key. "The only thing that matters is what you leave behind."
Everything that Nucky had done so far in his life, could easily be washed away by a storm.
A true legacy. Nucky's legacy begins in a weak moment of desperation when he decides to hand over a young Gillian to the Commodore.
Remember in season 2. "He pointed to the one he wanted and the rest was understood."
-Television (1931) No better way to showcase the brand new era then showing the cutting edge technology of the early 1930's. A mysterious woman spots Nucky on the boardwalk and takes him inside of a tent to see a glimpse into a future he has no part of.
"I'm the future shh." she says. Nucky doesn't understand what is going on...The woman is the embodiment of the next chapter of the 20th century. Nucky is a 19th century product, who is now outdated.
"The world to come." she adds. "I'll be there, but I won't be there."
Nucky is seeing the future that he will never get to experience.
-Domestic Violence Nucky's father was an alcoholic. He also abused his spouse. The confrontation between father and son was well done. Nucky doesn't even tell his father that his wife is pregnant, although at the time she has just miscarried.
I doubt old pa, was invited to the wedding...
Final points
Keep in mind that this season did feel rush, but we should all be happy that the story did come to an end. Exactly how it got there mystifies me. I can tell that if Michael Pitt's character is not killed off, this show goes in a different direction. Terrence Winter is writing a new show. The pilot has already been shot. He is moving on to his next project. It was time for boardwalk to end.
Does the show feel incomplete? It does and it doesn't. The seven year jump did make this final season feel off, but it was salvaged to a large degree by the show runners, Terrence Winter, Howard Korder and Tim Van Patten understood how to tie up all of the loose ends.
-The deaths of Sally, Chalky, Van Alden and Nucky did not seem as organic to me as I would have imagined them to be, but hey, I still enjoyed watching this show. Could this have been a better season? Yes? Was this season bad...of course not. All five seasons were brilliant spectacles. The sets, the costumes, directing, acting - everything. Still, the writing was always off with this show. The dialogue was well written, but the important character arcs, for this season, were well...weak.
Sally being a brassy foil to Nucky did not impress me, Van Alden and Eli in a nonsensical FBI sting was far too convenient, Chalky dying without getting his vengeance left me with a lukewarm feeling.
This season was too poetic with all of the useless flashbacks.
I say useless because the flashbacks only added to the predictability of the show.
It is ultimately a good thing that this show end after five seasons. There was no suspense for me in this final season.
I will say that Chalky's rivalry with Narcisse last season was the best thing to happen to the show since season 1. There were many moments where I thought Chalky would not make it out alive. It kept me glued to the television. I did not feel that way since Jimmy passed. The show did ultimately change with his passing, but is all honesty it was for the better.
Season 3's finale was epic, we all remember that shootout. Season 4's finale was heartbreaking. Season 5 was quite poetic, predictable, but nonetheless underwhelming. I liked this episode. I did not love or hate it. I was satisfied.
Mr. Winter comes from the school of leaving the stage while the audience wants more.
I believe that is ok to a certain degree. It's perfect for Theatre - not television (film).
The ending of the previous episode, (which I thought was too cute), set up a potential redemptive arc for Nucky. Nucky reads this letter from someone in his past, who is in desperate need of his help, someone who he has betrayed, who he lied to and broke his promise to about taking care of.
The fact that Nucky does not visit Gillian for weeks and we see this happen near the end of the episode does not fit at all. The dialogue in that scene is putrid. From an acting stand point Buscemi is fine, the direction is horrible. There is no observation. There is nothing.
The prison does close down later that year, but a better end to the character Gillian is not to have her as some "tragic character," that is lazy writing in my estimation. Why bring that character back for this season to only have her suffer in the past, present and future? It would have been more compelling to show her suffering in the past and present, but in the end get her recompense from Nucky.
Now, I do acknowledge that it does make perfect sense that Nucky show up late, because he is unaware of what transpires at the prison/asylum/hospital. The only thing that bothers me is the point of dialogue. Why not show Nucky arriving and seeing Gillian try to get up from a far, he realizes something is wrong. Gillian sees him and gives him a sad or lifeless look. The audience understands he was too late. She was not saved. The ladybug part was once again, trying to be too cute. It was not poetic, it was nothing.
Joe Harper was a terrible character. In fact, there was little, to no point in him being around for more than one episode.
The fact that he gets so close to Nucky and says he has no family undermines Harrow's sacrifice to keep him safe in the past two seasons. There is no explanation for what happened to him. How did he get back to Atlantic City? Why? He's a 14-15 year old kid now. Nucky gives him a $1,000 and he spends it all? $1,000 is a lot of money in the early 1930's! His refusal to take money from so many people and then finally accept it and blow it all after one episode is mind boggling! Of course one episode can mean that weeks or months have passed, but still...These two cyclical story lines felt forced. This ending was very predictable.
It was nice, touching, but predictable. At least there was no cut to black. Winter, learned from that mistake.
The flashbacks hurt this final season. It took away screen time from Luciano, Capone, Lanksy, Busgy and Chalky, but this is how it was written from the beginning. As uninteresting of a protagonist or antagonist Nucky was, he was indeed the main character, however his supporting cast, was far more interesting.
In the end, this gangster drama ended with what else...a "Tommy gun."
Here's a link to the farewell to Boardwalk Empire, Boardwalk Empire - Farewell - The Final Shot
The Upstater's Experience: The Little Things
It is so easy to get caught up in, and overwhelmed by, the
glamour of New York. Once you have lived in the city for an extended period of
time the golden shimmer starts to melt into shiny paint over long stretches of
concrete and rust. Glowing spotlights that promise excitement and adventure fade
into harsh fluorescents, guiding you from one dingy corner to the next. In a
city full of flashing signs, constant bombardment of advertising and intensely unpleasant
odors, it is a daily struggle to sift through the unpleasantness and spot
something fresh, simple, and purely enjoyable.
But struggle does not equal impossibility. There’s nothing like
taking the time to appreciate the little things, especially in the city.
Every day for the last year and a half I have made a point
of writing down the best parts of my day, even on the very worst of days.
Nothing extensive, and absolutely nothing negative, just at least one positive
thing I witness or experience throughout my day. Most days have more than one
positive occurrence, but even on a bad day you get an unusually good cup of
tea, a perfectly-timed compliment, or a chance seating next to an attractive
stranger on the train.
For example, just a few of my favorite small moments from
the last four months:
Witnessing a RomCom-worthy introduction between
an unlikely pairing at the bar.
Spotting a bright blue Morning Glory vine
twisting its way over an eyesore of rusted sheet metal and barbed wire.
Sharing coffee and orange juice and conversation
with roommates on a cold, lazy morning.
A simple birthday dinner turning into all-night
adventure of drag shows, cheap pizza and Netflix.
Being awake at six in the morning to watch the
sun rise and city wake up.
Receiving a generous tip from a kind table
during a really slow day at work.
Since starting this positivity journal, I’ve seen my share
of simple joys and miraculous moments, had my share of miniature adventures and
epic journeys. Never has it been more important than in these last few months,
in a place where it is too easy to let looming stress, hectic schedules and
overdue rent overwhelm the mind, to stay the course.
It has not always been easy to find the good in a truly awful
day, but the phrase “practice makes perfect” has never rung more true or
carried more weight on a personal level. And whenever I leave this place, I’ll
only take the happiest moments and the best stories home with me.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Sesame Oil Massage
One of my favorite ways to de-stress comes from ayruveda. I use
sesame oil for abhyanga, the daily self-massage. It is rich in linoleic
acid, and has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
properties ॐ
You can also use sesame oil for oil pulling or scalp treatments.
Find out more information about Ayruveda here and here.
Follow my fitness journey on Instagram @srollz
Original post on www.girlinthegymjungle.com
You can also use sesame oil for oil pulling or scalp treatments.
Find out more information about Ayruveda here and here.

Follow my fitness journey on Instagram @srollz
Original post on www.girlinthegymjungle.com
Kripalu Yoga Acceptance
I did it!
After six years of practicing I finally mustered up the courage to follow something that I was passionate about. I posted my main hesitations in a previous post.
I’m feeling a mixture of emotions: excitement, nervousness, joy, reluctance … But the most overwhelming feeling is that of pride.
I am proud of myself. I am proud that I finally took this leap of faith to pursue something that I am so immensely passionate about. Yoga instruction to me seemed unattainable because I didn’t have graceful gymnastic abilities nor did I have the slender body type of yogis depicted in sportswear ads.
This step symbolizes how much I have grown, changed and accepted myself.

Follow my journey on Instagram! @srollz
Original post from www.girlinthegymjungle.com
After six years of practicing I finally mustered up the courage to follow something that I was passionate about. I posted my main hesitations in a previous post.
I’m feeling a mixture of emotions: excitement, nervousness, joy, reluctance … But the most overwhelming feeling is that of pride.
I am proud of myself. I am proud that I finally took this leap of faith to pursue something that I am so immensely passionate about. Yoga instruction to me seemed unattainable because I didn’t have graceful gymnastic abilities nor did I have the slender body type of yogis depicted in sportswear ads.
This step symbolizes how much I have grown, changed and accepted myself.

Follow my journey on Instagram! @srollz
Original post from www.girlinthegymjungle.com
body image,
body positive,
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Boardwalk Empire S5E7 Review: "Friendless Child" By Greg Hernandez
Empire Review: “Friendless Child.”
“Et tu,
was so much betrayal in this episode. Mickey
betrays Nucky and gets killed by an
unimpressed Luciano. Maranzano is betrayed by Nucky. Gillian who we already know was
betrayed as a 13 year old by Nucky, now seeks his help.
Child,” provided many twists and turns that attempted to make the story less
predictable, but did not really succeed. Let’s begin with the intro: “Gangland
Graveyard,” sequence of shots was well done. I enjoyed watching many of our
favorite gangsters look up in a moment of fear as a door opened or a person
entered the room or walked by.
of the strengths of this season is allowing the audience to see what our
favorite characters are seeing. For example, Chalky’s death scene- we see him see the men, the guns and with the
final close up on his face before the credits roll, we experience his fate in a
far more intimate way because we do not see him get shot we hear it instead, as
we hear Daughter’s voice in Chalky’s
example is seeing Gillian see the chaos and hell that is her life in the insane
years of misery we see. The camera pans to show the audience the totality of
her dire predicament. Say what you will about this season, but you cannot argue
that after five seasons, the writers have not done their best to give the
audience as close to an in depth feel of their favorite characters as possible.
We seldom hear what these characters are thinking, but we do see it and
experience it. That is due to the incredible production quality behind this
series. I am happy that there were finally flashbacks to Nuckys younger days.
Still, I would have loved to have seen this in earlier seasons. I guess it does
make sense to save it for the final season, but as someone who loves watching
this show, I had to go back and re-watch portions of season 1 to find out more
about Mabel. All the way back in
episode one of season one- 1920, Nucky says that it had been 7 years since she
passed away due to consumption. We see him reflect upon this to the Commodore and Margaret. So, that is 1913. Our latest flashback was in 1897, which
means the series finale will have a time jump from Gillian’s rape at the hands
of the Commodore and then Mabel’s death later on. This will all coincide with
Nucky’s rise and demise.
the start of the episode, Nucky is chomping at the bit to eliminate Luciano. He
doesn’t want to sit idly by anymore and for good reason. It’s been weeks of
war. War, costs money, Mickey informs him that they lost nearly a hundred grand
due to the targeting of their trucks. Maranzano cautions patience. He tries to
reason with Nucky, that he will provide protection for his trucks and kill
is steaming mad. He is bloodthirsty for some action. “If Luciano shows one
will cut it!” Maranzano exclaims. “Along with his fucking throat”
proves Maranzano wise- at least in the Boardwalk Empire world. As soon as
Maranzano leaves, Nucky’s line, “I can be impetuous too,” comes back to haunt
him by episodes end.
am little upset that we had to wait until the last season to see more candid
scenes of Bugsy Siegel! He’s a
phenomenal character! In fact, in this episode he was my favorite gangster.
Every time he was on the screen, I could not take my eyes off him. Michael Zegen, did a fantastic job
portraying the famed gangster. Bugsy really should have his own show, along
with Capone.
of the best moments of this episode was his first line at the door, “Your
husband around?” Bugsy asks. As soon as he gets the green light from his
mistress, he proceeds with another gem. “Then I’ll just grab what I came for.”
I love it!
shootout, chase and fight were all well-choreographed. Once again, you got to
feel Bugsy’s struggle and desperation. What was even better was the hit from
Nucky’s enforcer. I like that he still carries the knife, sadly we all knew
that he was not going to be cutting Bugsy’s ears off.
tense back-and-forth between Nucky and Luciano over the phone was well done.
meet you at your funeral,” says Luciano.
William Thompson? I thought by now
he would be dating his co-worker, but alas, they are only friends. Well, Lucky
orchestrated a fine kidnapping of him, in broad day light too! Go figure.
terse meeting between Eli and Will ends with the kidnapping of the Will and the
crying out from Eli. Imagine not seeing or hearing from your son in over seven
years? You finally see him again and he doesn’t even shake your hand…yes, you
cheated on your wife and have permanently fragmented the family, but still this
is your son. He even offers your money and a room to stay because well…look at
Eli! The show runners even decided to have a fly buzz around him for added
effect- he smells that bad!
storming into Nucky’s place was good to see. “You better have a good reason for
showing up.” Once again Nucky's enforcer has the knife ready to cut Eli, I love
impending standoff was a pleasure to see. I truly believed Eli was going to die
when Bugsy sucker punched Will back to Luciano’s side. The intensity of this
standoff was palpable. Rescuing the life of your nephew is worth the loss of
your empire. Family always comes first. There was not much suspense for me in
this episode, because as I said in my review last week, the death of so many
fictional characters destroys the suspense. At this point, that is ok. The end
is here. Unless the show runners plan to rewrite history for their show than
this series finale will be quite predictable.
Best bits
- Bugsy Siegel sings a real song from 1931 by "Harry Roy &his Orchestra," titled "My Girl's Pussy."
Here is the version from the scene "It's My Girl's Pussy." and here is the full song, Harry Roy & His Orchestra, "My Girl's Pussy"
Here is the version from the scene "It's My Girl's Pussy." and here is the full song, Harry Roy & His Orchestra, "My Girl's Pussy"
- -Maranzano’s death scene was quite accurate.
Stabbed several times at his office and then eventually shot head.
- - Joe
Harper sounds and looks like Jimmy Darmody. This show
cannot escape the backlash of killing off that character. Still you cannot blame them for killing of Jimmy once you read this article: evidence-boardwalk-empires-michael-pitt-may-biggest-jackass-hollywood/
- Will Eli die in the series finale? He has nothing left to lose at this point. His son is safe now.
- - Joe Harper refusing money from Marazano
and Nucky was good to see because it mirrored Jimmy’s introduction into the
darker elements of Atlantic City. Thanks to the flashbacks we see Nucky tell
Joe to go be something else. He is saving him from this world. Like Jimmy,
Rowland and others before him Joe does not realize the world he is involved in
right now. Now, is the time to get out, Nucky realizes Joe’s youth and
ignorance. Having seen a young Nucky enter the Commodore’s dark world. Nucky
does not want Joe to make a similar mistake. Finally, Joe took the money and
- - Nucky and Mickey reflecting on how far
they have come. Through all of the years of war and death. It’s Nucky and
Mickey standing side-by-side.
- I liked how Mickey Doyle went out. I do not like how Nuckys enforcer was killed off. His last word was, “Puta…” really?
- - Nucky getting on his knees makes
Luciano’s partner, Meyer Lanksy very happy. Solid revenge from last season’s
mock execution.
Final points
- One
more episode to go, Nucky is not in the clear just yet. Still, the real life Enoch Johnson lived to be eighty-five
years old. Will the show follow suit? I still feel there will be one more death
before the show wraps.
- Nucky
took out a life insurance policy on Doyle, so as his empire crumbles, he’ll be
just ok.
- Nucky
and Margaret are also buying up shares from Joe Kennedy’s company?
- Seeing
a young Gillian was quite enjoyable. We finally get to see the beginning of
this character’s intense struggle. At the age of 13 she is an orphan who
commits larceny. Upon first glance she appears to be a boy. After being cleaned
up she looks wonderful- ripe for the picking for the Commodore. Gillian is so
mild-mannered it is a shame that Nucky did not simply adopt her. Had he done
that and managed to keep the Commodore away from her, we would have never
gotten to see Jimmy. Gillian would have grown up a lot happier.
- Her letter to Nucky is her last chance for freedom. I do believe Nucky will use the last of his connections to rescue her from a grisly fate.
Capone this episode. We will of course see him in the finale. That white suit
won’t save him. He’ll be going out in style!
the promo for the finale episode of Boardwalk Empire ever!
Monday, October 20, 2014
Angry, Happy and Sad
- Slut Shaming.
"Because it's always a woman's fault, why men cheat..."
This made me angry...I read this article about a mistress in China being ambushed, dragged and beaten in public by four women. The crime, being that she slept with a married man.
I was appalled by this. This was a despicable act. Violence never answers a problem. Capital punishment and cursing someone doesn't work either. Look, I don't think marriage is sacred, but let's not get into all of that...The man slept with this woman and she gets beaten. Apparently, this is quite common in China. People do not get involved because these are matters of the heart...nice excuse.
Where is our dignity? Where is our common humanity? How can people continue to systematically gawk, record and not interfere? Nobody stepped in to stop this heinous beat down of an innocent woman.
Pandemonium - Now, I remember watching this video a while ago. It put a smile on my face. I smiled at the first 2-3 people ONLY. They displayed courage. Everyone afterward was just jumping in. All we human beings need is for one person to act and show us how. We see others react to a terrible situation like that, where there is no thinking, only acting involved. That is brilliant!
Back to my the beating of the mistress, all this woman did was fuck a married man! She did not rape him! Oh, she coerced him, they say; yes, the man hated every minute of it, he could not resist. It's the temptress' fault. We human beings will blame everyone else before we even take a gander at ourselves.
Why wasn't the man beaten? Was he even scolded? Read the article below and you may get some insight into this juvenile and archaic display of behavior.
-Final comment on this piece. It would have been better if the wife and mistress sat down for coffee and talked about how terrible men are or something. When it's all said and done, the husband will not be divorced, he'll keep fucking his wife - in essence, he'll still have his cake and eat it too! Oh, he'll probably cheat again, so there's another slimmer slice of cake in his future...
- Not conforming makes me happy.
I don't care if a chick has pit hair. Nope. Don't care at all. Hair is hair...remember that George Carlin Poem on hair? Here it is: Hair Poem By George Carlin
Society shouldn't dictate people's appearances. Forget uniforms, shaving, white collar look etc.
The attire of life is simple. Naked or clothed. Come on people. If someone wishes to shave, they will shave, if not let them grow the hair on their bodies out until you cannot see them anymore.
If we continue to control, stigmatize the appearance of people, (mainly women), we will continue to further divide the two sexes. The article below lists pertinent reasons as to why we should cease the stigmatization.
- Not being truthful, leads to awkward and sad moments.
I have no picture to show for this one. I only have a quick story. This is an account of what happened to me a few days ago, while location scouting for an upcoming project. I was walking in Washington Heights going west on 181 street.
I was on my way to check out the little "Red Lighthouse." I took the bridge to cross over the Henry Hudson Parkway, I went down the slope around the loop toward the lighthouse. On my way there. I made eye contact with a man. He was a bald man, of light complexion. He appeared to be hiking or going for a run. As we passed each other we looked back at one another. I was confused because perhaps I somehow knew him and did not remember. I was afraid I was being rude, nevertheless I continued on. I saw a patch of downward rocks that led to the river. I wanted to take some pictures there.
For some reason, I had a strange sense to look back one time. I did, I saw the man standing about 20 yards back. He hadn't moved. His facial expression seemed to be quite indecisive. It was as if he were struggling with a thought. His physical position told me that. His body was facing away from me, but his head was turned the other way, toward me.
I shrugged it off and ambled down the rocks near the water. I sat down and begin to unzip my book bag. As I reached for my camera, I heard something behind me. It was the man. He was walking down toward me. I froze. I was on high alert now. He was coming down slowly, quite hesitantly. He sat down a few yards from me. I was still turned and frozen staring at him.
Our conversation went as followed:
ME: Hey...
STRANGER: Do you have the time?
ME: What?
STRANGER: Time. Do you have the time?
ME; 1:03.
STRANGER: Thank you.
ME: Yup. Don't mention it. (I turned back toward the my camera bag and the view) I still felt his presence.
STRANGER: Taking pictures?
ME: Yeah, I'm waiting for my friend to show up so we can take some photos.
ME: Yup.
STRANGER: Are you gay or bisexual?
ME: No, I'm straight, sorry man.
At that point, I got up to leave.
I left him behind. I did look back once as I tied my shoelaces. I was about 40 yards from where I left him. I saw him walk off and not look back.
I was troubled. Why hadn't he asked me that from the start...I was sad for some reason. Then the reasoning behind my sadness hit me.
He felt terrible for being so awkward. Sure, it was scary at first for me, being stalked like that. It makes one feel threatened. Still, I could not imagine how bad he might have felt. If he had merely asked me my sexual orientation as we passed each other I would have laughed and told him thanks for the compliment but I'm straight.
He could have said the following:
"Hey good looking, do you have a boyfriend?"
I would have laughed pretty hard and said, "WOW! That's a new one...now I know how some women feel...sheesh, you're aggressive, sorry bro, I'm straight."
My point is, that when a moment is there, you take it, you don't wait. The guy must have found me attractive. He could not figure me straight, bi, or gay. He was intrigued so he stopped going in his direction and followed me. It's flattering in a way, but also disturbing.
Now, we had to go throw a slow, scary, awkward dance of words.
It makes me sad that that had to happen.
These are some things that made me angry, happy and sad.
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