Can't sleep huh? Well, here are five habits that are inhibiting your sleep.
Of course, sleep is important. We all need it to function. Some need more than others, others offer the rebuttal of less sleep is better because we are wasting our lives away. Maybe, but facts are facts. We all need sleep. If you are only getting six hours of sleep a night, chances are you will be tired during the day. Eight hours is your healthy bet. Of course, you know that already, but for some reason you cannot seem achieve that restful endeavor. Let's discuss some things that can inhibit a person's sleep.
- Sleeping at different times each night. A fluctuation in a person's sleeping schedule may cause an imbalance of sleep. If you're having problems going to sleep, try setting a specific time each night to remedy your balance. Help yourself prepare for it, by reading a book or doing something relaxing before the time arrives. Stretching is also a good way to loosen yourself up for sleep. Your body is relaxed and ready for bed.
- Not sleeping in complete darkness. Silly right? Of course we all sleep in the dark. Not really...keep your phone and laptop light away from your bed. Keep the curtains closed tightly, the slightest bit of illumination could be why you are struggling to stay asleep. Nightlights and any other form of lights must be off.
- Drinking and eating before bed. Now you know why you are continually getting up during the middle of the night to use the toilet! Well, that is one reason but here are two more far important ones. Drinking before bed can delay your sleep cycle. Eating causes the same result, plus it can affect your weight control and overall health. If you must eat before bed, try a banana or some low fat yogurt. If you must drink something, try some warm milk, followed by at least 20 minutes of relaxation, before turning the lights off.
- Browsing the web or channel surfing. Try to sleep after having some digital or cable fun. Go ahead, try. Harder then it looks right!?! Take about 30 minutes after you finish your computer or television activity. Read a book instead, or write a journal, chat with someone in person (a boring conversation can help you hit that pillow faster), or do some form of craft, anyone still knit?
- Doing strenuous activities close to bedtime. This should be common sense right? Wrong! College students are normally sleep deprived from all of their academic and extracurricular activities. It is important to make some time for sleep. Get into a zone, take a half-hour to play some soft and soothing music to relax yourself. Give yourself a head massage. Do not think about the day's events or tomorrows either. Only think about sleep.
Follow these steps and you should enjoy the type of uninterrupted sleep that so many individuals cherish!
Eight hours straight of zzzz. Soon, your mortal enemy will be your alarm clock!
-Gregory Hernandez
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