"Game of Thrones Premiere!" By Greg Hernandez
Tonight the most action packed season of the fantasy epic is set to premiere.
This pivotal fourth season will begin to wrap up the events of the third novel, "A Storm of Swords," at 9pm on HBO.
The worst part of the storm is here...I know, you're all salivating.
Tonight we return to the violent, sex crazed, alcoholic, misogynistic, political, religious and supernatural world of Game of Thrones.
Here are seven things I'm excited for this upcoming season. Do not worry, NO SPOILERS HERE!
1. Family is an important aspect of survival in the world of Game of
Thrones. The Lannisters are all back together again. This season will
mark the first time that Tywin, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion and Joffery are all
under one castle. The house is at the height of its power to start this
season. With the impending marriage with House Tyrell and the defeat of
the Stark army last season, House Lannister is set to cement its reign
of Westeros.
2. The Red Viper is hands down one of the best characters that George R.R. Martin has ever written. This character epitomizes Game of Thrones. He essentially can do what ever he wants when he wants! Women lust for him, men envy his skills in battle, the young ones idolize him. He is uncompromising, passionate and let's just say he is not only here for the wedding! The introduction of Prince Oberyn Martell adds a new dimension to the show. The audience will get an insight to Dorne. We've heard Tyrion make a jape or two in past seasons and even saw Myrcella shipped off to Dorne for her protection before the battle of the blackwater in season 2. Things will get testy with the Lannisters, Tyrells and Martells all under one roof.

3. The return of characters from past seasons. Get ready. There are a few characters we have not seen in a while. Ranging from seasons 1-3. The one obvious happens to be the most recent: Mance Rayder the King Beyond The Wall. We'll see more of his Wildling army this season. Bringing these characters back into the fold will not only provide a nice boost to the season but will give one particular character HELL this season. I cannot wait to see this on the small screen.

4. Staying with The wall it's the perfect transition for the ACTION. Neil Marshal, director of episode 9 of season 2, "Blackwater" is the director of episode 9 of this season. We can expect a major battle during that episode (Book readers already know what I'm referring to). The two show runners David Benioff & D. B. Weiss have done a terrific job of surpassing each season. I do expect the battles during this season to be even more exciting! Jon Snow and Ygritte had their major break up last season. With the two characters back on opposing sides this season, you are guaranteed for some carnage.
5. The pairings. The
unique changes from the book on to the screen are what truly make the
experience of watching the show so titillating for me personally. So
many characters in the books do not get a chance to meet each other or
are never reunited. It is different on the show, to save time, many
characters are partnered up which creates weird duos at first, but
ultimately translate into awesome viewing. Case in point this season.
From one of the trailers Ser Jaime Lannister is practicing his sword play with Ser Bronn of the Blackwater.
In the books he practices with Ser Ilyn Payne instead, who is obviously
mute. I am hoping the show will pair these two characters together.
These two would make an interesting pair. Two stone cold killers. Brienne of Tarth ans Ser Loras Tyrell. Remember Renly Baratheon?
His death in season 2 is believed to be committed by Brienne/Lady
Stark. They were after all the last two people to see him alive. The biggest change in pairing from book to screen so far is below. And quite frankly it made the most sense.

6. The fantastic quotes! One of the reasons why this show has been successful is the writing. Good writing trumps all in the film business. A well written script is the equivalent of a Christmas gift for an actor. My three favorite quotes from the first three seasons are:
- Season 1: "There is only one god, and His name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: "not today.""
- Season 2: "Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick. A shadow on the wall."
- Season 3: A tie- I'm a cheater, I don't care. These two quotes were the best from this past season.
"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail
and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a
chance to climb; they cling to the realm or the gods or love. Only the
ladder is real. The climb is all there is."
and of course...
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention."
I am looking forward to more epic quotes this season.
7. One last wedding...
Here is the preview for the first episode, titled, "Two Swords." "Two Swords" Preview
What are you most excited for this season? Let us know!
What are your favorite quotes? Let us know!!
I will be reviewing each episode every Monday night!
-Greg Hernandez
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