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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Game of Thrones S5E2 Review: "The House of Black and White"


In this episode, not everything is so black and white.  The journeys and the intentions of many of the characters are blurred. Their decisions are far from easy. It is difficult to rule, it will be difficult to lead, it will be difficult to leave everything you know behind and it will be difficult to avenge your loved ones.

This episode is truly grey. Lots of folks complained about the pacing for the first episode of this season. Here in episode 2, "House of Black and White," we are treated to the familiar pacing from last season. I must admit that I'm not too crazy about the book changes, but I do understand that they're completely necessary for the show to continue to excel. The narrative must fit the visual format. Many characters must be cut from the book's storyline. Many storylines need to be joined to characters that are already established. New pairings need to be made. So. Let's dive in!

Arya makes her season debut. Her arc will be the spark plug for this season. Lots of intrigue for the stark storyline, in fact, Arya, Sansa and Jon's storylines are the driving forces of this season. The show began with the Starks. It most likely will end with them too. We're following them because they're the new generation. Ned and Cat are gone and so is Rob. Bran doe snot appear this season. Rickon is M.I.A. although; he'll be back soon.

Arya makes it to Braavos. I love her look to open the episode. She stares down the Titan and isn't afraid of any superstitious nonsense. She's knows better now. She's been through entirely too much.
Her mission is to find Jaqen H'ghar and learn the ways of the badass assassin. 

When Arya reaches The House of Black and White and that door opened my heart jumped, because I thought to myself, "WHOA!" New character, "The friendly man." I really enjoyed the moments of silence and Arya being turned away.

Arya hangs around for some time (Possibly a day or two). Her list is pretty short now. The symbolism of her throwing the coin into the sea, is not a matter of giving up, but more of, ok I've got better things to do than sit here and wait for my destiny. She's a girl of action. Besides, how would you feel if you crossed the narrow sea and reached your destination only to be turned away?
But the man is right during their exchange.

"Please. I've crossed the Narrow Sea. I have nowhere else to go." - Arya
"You have everywhere else to go." - "Friendly Man."

Arya's stand off with the older boys was a nice scene. I really like Arya's line. "Nothing is worth anything to dead men."  Such a classic line!

The friendly man returns and the boys of Braavos seem to know who to fear.  Arya follows him back to the house. He gives her back her coin, and reveals his face as Jaqen H'ghar. "You said there was no Jaqen H'ghar here." "There isn't. A man is not Jaqen H'ghar" "Who are you then?" "No one. And that is what a girl must become." This will most certainly be the most intriguing plot line of the season. The writers continue to combine the major characters from the books.

Our next pair is the comedic duo of Tyrion and Varys . The odd couple discusses the trajectory of their lives and how similar they are. They're both mood points, outliers and outcasts in Westeros. And yet they both have talents to play in this war to come. The show runners utilize the irony beautifully. Great comedic touch. It illustrates the common ground of these characters who are traveling by box. Nobody understands them so they hide themselves in a box.

Tyrion is going stir crazy and needs to take a walk. Although that's a little dangerous considering the fact that Cersei has offered a lord ship to any man who brings her his head.

Tyrion quips that Cersei should instead offer her cunt,  "The best part of her for the best part of me."

We cut to Cersei receiving a dwarf's head. Truly though, how many dwarfs are there in the world?

I love how dismissive Cersei is when she declares it to be the wrong head. How many heads has she seen already? I also enjoy Qyburn. He wants the head for his proclivities. 

The small council meeting is nothing but a farce and I love it! Cersei and her puppets, masters of doing whatever she says. Kevan Lannister, Tywin's younger brother will not tolerate it. He rightfully does not recognize Cersei's "authority." She is nothing but the King's mother.

- Watch out, Qyburn is now the Master of Whispers.

Cersei and Jaime was a nice little scene. Cersei truly is a fool. If the Dornish, harm her daughter, "She'll burn their cities to the ground." Really, with what…wasn’t Dorne was the only kingdom that resisted Aegon and his dragons? I prefer the book interactions between these two more. It's more developed and more explosive. On the snow it unfortunately feels too soap opera-y. Still it make sense. It's not a diplomatic mission.  He feels guilty about releasing Tyrion and the end result of the death of his father. He wants to make amends and bringing Myracella back home would undo what Tyrion did in episode 2.

I like the threat from Dorne. It had to have come from Ellaria Sand and the Sand snakes. I wonder when we'll see Oberyn's daughters. 

By the way, I promised myself I would not give much credence to the changes from the books, but I must harp on this one point. Jaime fucking Lannister is far different in the show than in the books. Even after his hand is gone. He still is an anti-hero, just more likable because we see things from his perspective and can identify with him. He saves Brienne and frees Tyrion, however he rapes his sister in the show. (Still the worst book change the show has done. The writers were not smart with that one. It was a stupid decision. But leaving out the verbal fight between Tyrion and Jaime after Tyrion is freed was questionable because it sets Tyrion up for his anger, drunk filled journey across the narrow sea. The Jamie in the show feels drastically and unbelievably different from seasons 1 & 2. 

Having read the books, I miss the more defiant and politically minded Jaime. On the show he seems a little too subservient, too eager to please. This scene felt too convenient for moving the plot forward. Where's the sly, sardonic tone? Jamie should also be undermining Cersei's authority and telling her to listen to Kevan Lannister. There is far too much change in the character from seasons 1-3 and 4-5. It's a not believable.

Bronn and Lollys Stokeworth is straight out of the book. The narrative of the book is interrupted by none other than "Jaime Fucking Lannister." Jamie and Bronn care going down as far as south goes. Hot battles orgies to come? Rescue mission between to great killers, this should be fun!

I love how Bronn is not even listening to Lollys bloviating about pigeon pies. He's like an animal, enjoying himself, not thinking, just living. He even begins to plant a seed in Lolly's mind about a life without her sister. "Bad things always come back." You're right Bronn. Good luck in Dorne.

Jon Snow is elected Lord Commander. Sam Tyrell conspires with his brothers to put Jon in charge. I love how Sam repeatedly gave it to Janos Slynt for being a coward. Interested to see how Jon takes to his new position of power next episode. The look on Ser Allister's face when Jon won was priceless.

Jon mulling over the Jon Stark legitimization offer from Stannis was a good scene. I even loved the shout out from Lady Mormont. The North remembers. The Starks are the only ones they serve.
The Northers are like the free folk. Robert needed Ned to keep them in check. Stannis is trying to use Jon. But Jon is a man of the Night's watch and after being named Lord Commander it looks as though he'll remain a Snow. Remember, not many people like Jon. Sure he won narrowly, but there is still faction of people who dislike him, distrust him for his time with the wildlings. How Jon chooses to utilize his new power toward the wildlings will determine who long he remains commander. Mormont was killed in a mutiny. Jon will need to be careful. Ser Allister and Janos will not take to losing quite so nicely.

Brienne and Pod find Sansa. I love these two. They are the new Arya and The Hound. Remember last season's fight for a big piece of chicken. Here's the spin off of that. Another Stark girl turns down Brienne.


In the books, Brienne does not find either of the Stark girls. Instead she finds the mother. Cat as "Lady Stoneheart." The show is up to the point where Brienne would encounter her. I don't think she will. I believe the actress who played Cat, has moved on to another show. 


I do like that the show has allowed Brienne to succeed and fail in her mission. At least she's found both stark sisters. It would have been nice if she had mentioned that to Sansa. She would have done so had she the opportunity to speak with her alone. But Sansa has refused her. Why? Simple. Know the old phrase, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know." 

 Better to remain with Littlefinger then with the stranger who's wearing Lannister armor and carrying a Valyrian steel sword. Brienne was also seen at Joff's wedding. 

One thing that bothers me, although Sansa has dyed her hair...why the hell would Littlefinger bring her to a public place to eat? Why not order the food to go? Ride to a secluded area by a river or something to eat outside. Stretch your legs where nobody can see you, instead of sitting in public.

Another thing to watch out for is Littlefinger's marriage proposal has been accepted. Sansa has become very astute. She was aware of the raven.  "Dark wings, dark words," the phrase by her late mother. Sasna is probably right, because Littlefinger assures her not to be worried. We know where they're headed. Winterfell. The place so far away, Cersei won't be able to get her hands on you.

Roose and Littlefinger. CANNOT WAIT!!

Grey Worm and Daario. Daario shows the Unsullied that fearing nothing is a weakness. It prevents you from finding those who are afraid. When you're afraid, you hide.

The political turmoil in Meereen is extremely difficult. The Sons of the Harpy are not making it any easier. Dany reigns over Civil War. The poor recently freed slaves versus the once powerful Masters. 
Dany has her Unsullied, Dothraki and Second Sons. But has no dragons now.

She's placed in a precarious situation that most rulers are faced with. "Be strong or be loved?"
Stannis hints at it with Jon, about power. If people do not fear you, they will not follow you.

Daario believes in simply executing the Harpy.
Hizhdar Zo Loraq at first believes in showing mercy but later relents and desires a private beheading.
The freed slave who sits on the council believes in killing the Harpy too because of obvious reasons.
Ser Barristan believes in a fair trial. 

He tells Dany about her father, “The Mad King.” How his actions made him more powerful until his last day. He gave justice to those who were seeking it, the justice of his death.
Heavy lies the crowd. It's a tough decision, but Dany relents and favors Ser Barristan's way of thinking. She is not like her father. She's not Mad....yet haha

The slave on her council takes actions into his own hands. This leads to quite the intriguing scene where Dany takes a questionable action. The law was broken. But the man killed the man who killed one of your soldiers. Death does not repay death nor does it solve the problem. Apparently it leads to hissing, chaos and civil war.

Fun tidbits...
  • Drogon smells deceit on her or just says hi to mommy before flying off
  • Unsullied know no fear, which is bad…Daario says that people who are not afraid, don’t know how to hide.
  • Jaqun hagar is back…faceless man time
  • Brienne, is refused by both startk girls..rejection isn’t anything new to her…she’s a stubborn one…I love how her blade cut the other guys blade. Ah, Valyrian steel
  • Everyone is going to Winterfell. The Boltons are there, Stannis means to go there…Sansa and little finger are headed there. Brienne and Pod are going to follow them.
  • Where’s the brotherhood without banners?
  • Blood is boiling down in the hot summer isles of Dorne. Ellaria Sand makes a threat/promise to Doran. Prince Doran of Dorne haha the dude did not move an inch in that chair. The gout is not abating. Either or it's all a facade.
  • Alexander Siddig said in an interview that he based his accent off of Pedro Pascal's (Red Viper) from last season.
  • I love how Areo Hotah thumbed his blade. He's ready to kill whomever threatens the prince.
  • Bronn vs Areo will/would be an awesome fight.

What were your favorite moments from this episode?

- Tyrion and Varys box conversation

- Arya in Braavos
- Sam giving it to Janos
- Bronn and Lolly's hilarious scene

Let me know in the comments!

Below is the trailer for tonight's episode.

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