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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"Clothing in the USA" By Greg Hernandez

Is any of the clothing we wear, actually made in this country? 

Take a look at this link: AllAmericanClothing.Com

This passage is emblematic of this entire post.

Made in the USA

"That`s right, real American workers handcrafted our clothing with the highest quality fabrics, stitches, and materials made in America. None of that foreign made, sweat shop, unfair, penny paid labor here. Our clothing keeps people working in the United States.
When you purchase from All American Clothing you are helping our economy in so many ways! For example: the clothing is made in the USA, the box it shipped in was made in the USA, our website is hosted by a USA company, the shipping companies are all from the USA, the people who built our building are USA citizens, etc...As you can see, buying one shirt or a pair of jeans that are Made in USA affects many jobs in many different industries."

What a frank message...

The economy, jobs and national pride. All of this can be shown on the tag on an article of clothing that you're wearing. I bet if I asked you to remove your shirt right now the tag would say something along the lines of, "Made in China," right? I won't bore you with numbers and percentages, after all we're Americans right, we hate numbers!

Instead, please watch this clip from "Last Week Tonight," with John Oliver. 
He says it better than can I write it. Plus his show is amazing, articulate and extremely hilarious.

Yes, the clip is 17 minutes long. Don't have the time to watch it? Fine, play it as you're doing your chores or something. If not watch the first 2 minutes only.

Americans buy a lot of clothes. Too much honestly, but the prices are so cheap! Yeah...we all know why, but do we even care? Do we really know the extent of how much money is made by these clothing Tycoons?

After watching that episode of "Last Week Tonight," I took a plethora of pictures from the tags of clothing that I wear.

I will no longer buy clothing that is not made in this country. 

I will no longer accept an article of clothing as a gift unless it was made here.

Is that thinking too reactionary? YES!

Do some clothing companies lie about whether their product was made in this country? Of course! But we have the Internet, so do some thorough research and find the best options to buy domestic products.

Child labor will never end...maybe not...but nobody is forcing you to buy the clothes made.
If we all stopped buying clothing from H & M, Banana Republic, ZARA, GAP, Old Navy etc...they would collapse.

The consumer controls commerce...take the power back.

Don't be a miserable consumer asshole - instead be a populace that is capable of critical thinking: George Carlin - The Ruling Class And What They Own

I can recall a time when I was shopping with my cousin in some athletic retail store. 

I bought some cool cleats and a jogging shirt. The cleats said, "made in China," while the shirt said "made in Taiwan." My cousin and I joked that "America doesn't make anything!"

Sad, but true. Should we only buy American now? You decide.

I already made my decision.

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