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Friday, May 8, 2015

Game of Thrones S5E4 Review: "Sons of the Harpy" By Greg Hernandez

Lots of action, lots of doors opening, lots of talking, stabbing, kissing and breasts, and hugs?? Alright, Game of Thrones, you've packed quite a bit into one episode, let's dive in!

Let's start out with our traveling swordsmen. Many book readers are besides themselves for this duo. still being together post season 4. Why would Bronn help Jaime?  He turned down fighting the Mountain last season, isn't going to Dorne the same - a suicide mission? Why would Jamie go to Dorne with only one companion? "Not to start war." That answer is a little absurd. It's your daughter- I mean niece. I love the look Bronn gave Jaime when he told him they were rescuing his niece. Bronn is now a friend and personal confidant of Jaime. He knows so much about him.

Jaime reveals that he did not set Tyrion free. He actually did, just with the help of Varys. He is so upset with the end result of that rescue that he will split Tyrion into if he ever sees him again. Can you imagine Jamie telling his brother, "You killed our father, he are my regards!"


In the books when Jaime sets Tyrion free he finally confesses the truth about "Tysha," Tyrion's first wife and true love. Their meeting was in fact chance and not orchestrated. Jaime chased the vandals away and Tyrion rescued Tysha. That night they made love and absconded. The truth is that she did love Tyrion. Tywin did not like his son marrying some low-born wench. So. He lied and said she was hired to pretend to love him so he would finally lose his virginity. He allowed his men to rape her and each pay a silver. He made Tyrion watch and go last. He made him pay with gold, because he's a Lannister.


The Sand Snakes finally make their appearance in episode 4. They are 3 of the 8 bastard daughters of "The Red Viper." Ellaria Sand is playing the role of Arianne Martell from the books. She seeks vengeance for Oberyn's death. The Sand Snakes wish to go to war and avenge their father. They need an army. They need to start a war. Killing Myracella is the perfect way to do that. Doran, may need to go first.

Need to see more of them before I judge. I will say this though. I read this article on the portrayal of Dorne in Season 5 and I have to agree with it.

Here's the link to the article I'm talking about: game-of-thrones-underserves-dorne/

The Sand Snakes are aware that Jaime Lannister has landed in Dorne. They have the loud mouthed Pentoshi captain. Guy is buried up to his neck in sand with scorpions crawling all over about suffering! Obara cements the loyalty of the Sand Snakes to Ellaria by launching her spear from several yards away and hitting the man right in the face. Direct hit!

Things are shaping up for a showdown between the Sand Snakes and Jaime and Bronn. I predict Bronn will die in the next episode.

My favorite part of the episode! The "Faith Militant," is back in power after two centuries. Now this is what I call a kick ass fanatical cult!

Lancel bad ass- religious nut - Lannister! Voluntarily getting your forehead carved into the seven symbol is hardcore dedication! Now that's righteousness for ya!

Cersei meets with the High Sparrow to discuss proper order. The old High Septon would not have refused so much wine, he would have asked for the entire vintage. Her objective is clear. She's making a powerplay against Margaery, by getting this High Sparrow on her side. It works. The High Sparrow plays along in her game. He's not ignorant of her twincest at all. He's playing the long con. Cersei's actions are instrumental in imprisoning Loras. She believes that she's given power to a new ally. Her mistake may prove costly later. Not everyone is going to be her puppet.

The "Faith Militant," destroys barrels of liquor, gambling and other businesses on the street, they disrupt orgies, both straight and gay. They treat the "cocksuckers," with extra violent care. People cry out for help, but the city watch turns their backs.

You cannot beat these guys easily. You'll need an army and a strong king. Joffrey and Tywin would not have let these fanatics get so far.

The stand off was nice.  The High Sparrow's prayers do not get interrupted. "He's praying, he will not be disturbed."

Tommen is stuck between two queens. His mother feigns ignorance to the intentions of the High Sparrow. She knows that her little cub isn't like the late Joff. Margaery is pissed at Tommen. She sees through this farce. Cersei is behind it all. The most powerful man in the Kingdom cannot rescue his brother-in-the-law. How will the Queen of Thorns react to this? I cannot wait for her return.

"The small council, grows smaller and smaller," says Pycelle. "Not small enough," says Cersei.
The oaf Mace Tyrell is off to Braavos to seek new terms with the Iron Bank. Woo, we'll get to see them again. His escort if Meryn Trant. I hope Arya gets to kill him. I still believe Mace is not like that. Perhaps he's playing the long con too.

Back in Winterell, Sansa is lighting the candles in the crypts, just like her father used to. She's not alone. The perfect place to speak privately in Winterfell are the crypts. Littlefinger and Sansa discuss the next chain of events. Littlefinger will return to King's Landing. I'm very interested to see where this goes. What episode will Littlefinger reach KL? Perhaps 8 or maybe 10. By the time he returns, if he does, Sansa will be a married woman. Oh, Ramsay, can Sansa make him his own? I highly doubt it. The plan is for Stannis to march south and take Winterfell away from the Boltons. That way, Sansa will become wardenness of the North. How's that for a prestigious title.  .I doubt that any northman will rally to the side of Stannis, they'll probably want to shore up things in the North.

Sansa and Littlefinger  dicuss Lyanna and Rhaegar (R +L). Sansa recalls the past. Rhaegar abducted Lyanna and raped her. Littlefinger's reaction is enough evidence to assume that his is a falsehood. Littlefinger was present at the tourney at Harrenhal. Rhaeger crowned Lyanna instead of his wife Elia (Oberyn's sister).

We end this creepy encounter with another kiss on the lips from Littlefinger. He really picks his moments when to kiss Sansa. I believe Sansa will become darker as the season progresses. Also, when will she encounter Reek?

Now on to Castle Black. Jon is training the new recruits in the yard. Stannis looks on. Sheesh is he bored...he wants to march already! I'm assuming he's gone next episode. Selyse, his wife comments on Jon's parentage, "born of some tavern slut," she remarks. "Not Ned Stark's away." replies her husband. He's right. Now we get more of a hint of who Jon's parents are. R + L= J. Rhaegar and Lyanna are Jon's parents. He's a Targaryen and Stark. I love how Selyse leaves as soon as Melisandre shows up. She knows that her husband prefers Melisandre's young body over hers.

I loved how Melisandre tried to seduce Jon. The look she gave him when he brought up his vows was so funny. A lot of Jon's dialogue sounds just like Ned. When I hear Jon speak, I imagine Ned speaking. He truly is the new Ned Stark now. Jon still love Ygritte. He prefers the dead red head over the live one.

Jon has great power. Imagine what type of shadow baby he'd help Melisandre create?

Melisdandre wants him to go down south with Stannis. He knows the way and knows the strengths and weaknesses of the castle better than anyone.

The last time Stannis went off to battle without Melisandre, the results were costly. This time, he will apparently take her. We'll see how that goes.

I laughed so hard when Melisandre stopped at the door, turned toward Jon and uttered the famous running joke of the series, "You know nothing Jon Snow."

Stannis and Shireen had a lovely little scene. Shireen asks the burning question that we've wondered since she was first introduced on the show. Is Stannis ashamed of her? Oh, Stannis, we finally can identify with you. You're no longer just the unloved middle child who constantly boasts about his claim to the throne. You're actually a loving father. You just have had a tough time of showing it. The hug encapsulates the entire scene. She hugs her father and it takes him a few seconds to hug her back.

I love how the actress entered the room too. Good acting. Very subtle.

Now we reach the part of the episode, that in my opinion was the worst. After Ser Barristan tells Dany yet another tale of her eldest brother, Rhaegar, Dany tells him to go out and sing a song. Ok, yes, go out alone while Dany and Daario listen to Hizdarh Zo Loraq speak more about the old traditions and appeasing the master with fighting pits and what not. Ser Barristan's dialogue about the past was such a beautiful yet useless drivel that had no bearing on the story whatsoever...clearly the writers have never figured out what to do with this character. His dialogue was meant to only detail Rhaegar's humility. Yes, he was a tragic figure.  What does this have to do with the present time in this political quagmire?

The trap laid by the Sons of the Harpy is brilliant, however the entire set up, was quite contrived. The seconds sons are actually whoring and drinking....really? Still trusting the whores...Daario should know that. Also, why would the unsullied not line up in formation to beat back the attackers? Yes, clever tactic in luring the Unsullied into closed and narrow quarters, however do the Unsullied only carry spears? For some reason they seem to be quite unprepared in a city in which they have spent much time in. They should know all about it by now, or at least have a good idea. But then again this fits perfectly into what Daario said two episodes ago to GreyWorm about fear. It's a useful weapon.

The fight choreography in this last fight scene was horrendous to me. Especially when Ser Barristan enters. I hated the score for this as well. It felt nothing like Game of Thrones. The fight was exciting to watch in terms of pacing and for the sheer fact that when you see Greyworm get stabbed and surrounded, you're automatically locked in. But watching Ser Barristan get stabbed and slashed only to have him saved by Greyworm at the end is quite pointless considering the fact that you already have a good idea that Ser Barristan is a goner. Grey Worm, not so much. I think he'll pull through.

Tyrion is back at Sea. He's heading off to see the Queen. Queen Daenerys. Not his sister. I love how Jorah knocked the man out, dragged him back to shore and then paid him. Tyrion was trying to cut himself loose, really, you wouldn't have gotten far imp...

Tyrion annoys the hell out of Jorah, but it works, the gag is taken out. And the talking begins. Tyrion's mouth gets him into trouble as he earns a hard smack. Hard truths cut deep, eh Jorah?

We'll see what happens if Jorah is able to bring Tyruon to Daenerys.

Quick takes

- Dany says the view below is so peaceful looking and pleasant from up in her temple. That is a very contemporary way of thinking. It mirrors how society is today and has always been. The rich and powerful high above. They don't understand how the poor live. Rhaegar did. He hung out a lot amongst the people. Dany cannot and will not do that. Perhaps she'll enjoy the view from high above on Drogon's back. - Varys - where is our spider...somewhere obviously. We'll see him again soon.
- Jaime - Used his gold hand as a defensive weapon. Nice! Catching the sword was cool
- Bronn - Really keeps the story engaging with his witty dialogue and action scenes
- Qyburn - Is quite comfortable on the small council.
- Snow - It's really beginning to come down there now.
- Jon - How it must suck to ask Roose Bolton for more men to defend the wall.
-Arya - I imagine we'll see her next episode
- Brienne - Same as above
- Ramsay - When will we see our first true scene between he and Sansa. Now that little finger is gone, the act is over. The North remembers though, I imagine Sansa will be protected somehow.
- Doran - We did not see him this episode

What did you all think of his episode?

- Will Jaime and Bronn rescue the princess?
- How long will Loras rot in that cell?
- Will Tommen and The High Sparrow speak?
- How will the Iron Bank react to Mace Tyrell's arrival?
- How will Sansa handle Ramsay?

Here's the promo for next week's episode: Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5 Promo

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