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Monday, May 5, 2014

Game of Thrones-S4E5 "First of His Name" By Greg Hernandez

The "mourning" continues, a new boy king is crowned, a rabbit is burned, a man is reunited with his wolf and a wedding goes without a hitch! Who would have thought? We've reached the half-way point of the season. Let's dive in.

Last night's episode displayed GOT's uncanny ability to keep its' audience engaged for the first 45 minutes without bloodshed and then reward us all with a nice little battle consisting of two key deaths. In terms of screen time, the female players of GOT dominated. The biggest news from this episode was the revelation of Littlefinger and Lysa's involvement in the death of Jon Arryn, former hand to the late Robert Baratheon and her writing a letter to her sister, implicating the Lannisters. This is how it all started people. Oh, Littlefinger you're so devious. The ability to manipulate nearly everyone around you for your own personal gain is fun to watch. I loved the exchange between these two. Their passionless kissing-then phony passion brought about for obvious reasons: Littlefinger is trying to get Lysa to shut up about what they did in the past. Remember what he had to say about people who are unpredictable, watch it Lysa...Walls have ears remember. Better to press on and not look back. Katie Dickie has nailed this role. She's even got the moaning down haha.

Sansa and Lysa. The fireworks have begun! After reveling in her nice long screaming sex session with Littlefinger; Lysa treated her niece to some lemon cakes. Just like her mother, Sansa enjoys sweets. Of course, Littlefinger is sweet for rescuing the daughter of the dead woman he fell in love with. Which means Sansa likes Littlefinger too! (Lysa logic). It makes her suspicious of her beautiful young niece whose red hair shines and resembles that of her mother. Similar to Cersei and Margeary, age plays an important role in creating tension between two female characters. However, Sansa is no queen, she is without family wealth and protection, which unfortunately makes her quite vulnerable to Lysa's assault. I was happy with this scene. Once again Kate Dickie you nailed it!

At Tommen's coronation we were treated to the queen size power struggle that is Cersei versus Margeary. The scene between these two queens was electrifying-the dialogue and unspoken loathing for each other was palpable. Both know how to play the game. Each is formidable. Yet, one is younger and in a potentially more suitable position for power, while the elder cannot help but look on as her opponent rhetorically shows off her understanding of her political advantage. Joffrey is dead, the potential nightmare was avoided. Tommen is a kind boy, a decent boy. He will treat Margeary with care. Of course Margeay is still "mourning" her late husband. As Tyrion, would say in a sardonic tone, widowhood becomes you. The fiery look that Cersei shot at Margeary when told that the young rose had not given any thought to marrying the sweet harmless lion cub and how she must consult her father about such matters was so satisfying. The hatred was just oozing in this scene. Well played queens, well played.

Now that Dany has taken Meereen, her story line may begin to fall flat. She has stopped. Her liberation crusade has backfired. Yunkai and Astapor have been re-taken by the slavers. Dany will not sail to Westeros. Oh, and even if she could, how can she find her Dragons? They were not mentioned- "8,000 unsullied, 2,000 second sons" but more importantly, 3 DRAGONS!!! Thankfully Dany's scene was short. Her line, "I will do what queens do, I will rule." Did not resonate with me and it appears to certainly not have resonated with Ser Jorah. It was a vague line with zero substance. Her movement felt robotic. This was the only scene in the episode that lacked energy and precision. Understandable of course.

Now back to the Tyrells rivalry with the Lannisters. we thought. Turns out the folks from the rock have not produced gold in three years. Yes, Cersei, how do you all pay for anything?The timing for running dry is terrible. The wars and weddings are over, but now this "tremendous amount" of debt the Crown owes has cast a dark shadow on Tommen's reign. Remember...Littlefinger was Master of Coin. Robert Baratheon was a spendthrift. He and Jon Arryn plunged the Crown into debt. Now two kings later and the impending payment looms large over the throne. If Tywin is worried, than the rest of the family should be worried too. Also, Davos instructed Shireen to contact the Iron Bank on behalf of Stannis. If the Lannisters are unable to pay their debts, a regime change may be in order.

With Jaime and Tyrion MIA this episode, it was only fitting that the third sibling got more screen time. Cersei deserved it. After locking horns with Margeary, we see Cersei consult her father. I loved how Tywin spoke of Robert, "I did not trust him. He always patted me on the back." The trial for Tyrion begins next episode, but before that Cersei is continuing to build a strong case against him. Tywin is a judge and although Cersei cannot discuss the trial with him she does make it a point to showcase that she is the one child who has contributed most to the Lannister legacy. Jaime is famous for killing the Mad King Aerys. Tyrion is a dwarf and an alleged king slayer himself-oh and he planned the city's defense for the battle at the Blackwater. Cersei united houses Baratheon and Lannister. She gave birth to the two sons. Each of whom has sat the Iron Throne. Tommen will prove easier to manage than Joffrey. Tywin understands this all which is why Cersei gets the last word this time.

Brienne and Podrick. I was so happy that we got two scenes with this new duo. Brienne's attempts to banish Pod are futile, he's too loyal of a  squire for that. Pod is able to prove his street cred to Brienne by telling her how he killed a kingsguard who tried to kill Tyrion. Spear through the back of the head is legit. Also, the armor part was funny. Shoot, I'd have some difficulty with those straps too! That's why you have a squire Brienne, get used to it. Sort of makes you more a lady, yet even more of a knight-oh the irony.

Arya and the hound. Easily the new favorite duo. Their banter is incredible to watch. Loved how Sandor told Arya to shut it. Imagine trying to go to sleep and your roommate is reciting a list of the names of the people she intends to murder. Yup, she saved yours for last too. Come morning, Arya is gone. Off to water dance. Sandor continues to shatter every principle that Arya has. Forget your family they're dead, forget your honor it will get you killed, it's all about being strong, not weak and forget your fucking water dancing-meryn trant killed your idol. All you need is good armor and a big sword.

Cersei provides a royal escort for the Red Viper. Cersei is speaking to another judge. One who admits to being a bad poet and has 8 bastard daughters. The latter is of which is more important of the two. Cersei's daughter myrcella is in Dorne. She is happy there (Allegedly). Through these three scenes-we get to see a fine glimpse into Cersei's life, in some ways it shows the audience one thing. Yeah, you may not like Cersei but she's a mother. She is actually mourning her eldest child. She is protective of her remaining son and misses her daughter. This is the beauty of GOT. Try to hate one character and the writing will eventually lead you on a path to identifying with them. It ultimately humanizes them. You feel sympathetic. Joffrey shocked Cersei with his antics, but still, he was her first son. His death has left her emotionally scarred. Tyrion's death would be wonderful therapy for her.

Staying with the topic of humanizing characters, it was clever of the writers to build up minor characters such as Locke and Karl Tanner. We all knew that their demise was inevitable however, after both deaths occurred, I found myself feeling strange. Like, damn...I wish they had lived. It was nice though to see Karl fight Jon. Once again a Stark is told about how fighting with honor is the wrong way to go about it. If the wildling girl had not interfered, Jon Snow would be dead. That deviation was enjoyable, albeit predictable. The performance by Karl Tanner was what made it good television. GOT teetered on "cliche action hero flick" those last 15 minutes. It was strangely reminiscent of a scene from another good HBO show, called "Boardwalk Empire"- Chalky White versus Dunn Purnsley.

Ghost was reunited with Jon. Again, predictable. Still do not understand why Ghost was caged and not killed. That deviation was not the best one. I am curious as to if and when "CH" will be introduced. He's the new character I have been talking about. Anyway, Bran and Jojen are on the same page. Bran warged into Hodor to save himself and free the others. His decision to not see his brother was heartfelt. Your past or your future. It is emblematic of Bran's destiny. I cannot wait see where this storyline continues for the back half of this season.

Speaking of symbols. It is an end of a dark and heinous era beyond the wall. The burning of Craster's keep along with the dead bodies was a sign that Jon Snow is ready to command. He restores proper order to the Night's Watch. Remember Ned Stark decapitated the deserter in the very first episode. All true deserters must die. The fire also makes sure that these men are not reanimated into wights by the White Walkers.

This episode remained strong even without the star of the show-Peter Dinklage. I give it a 9.1

Best Quote: This goes to Tywin. Tywin being worried about someone else is just...troubling.

"We all live in its shadow and almost none of us know it. You can’t run from them, you can’t cheat them, you can’t sway them with excuses."

A Lannister better pay his debts...

A close second: The Hound- this season he's displaying the full repertoire of one-liners! 

Next episode should be a dandy. Small council meetings where everyone is briefed on Daenerys. Ramsay Snow returns! Yara Grejoy too! Varys has got something cooking. Jaime standing up to his father again. Tyrion's trial begins! Oh, and the DRAGONS make their return.

Here's the link for the trailer: GOT: "The Laws of Gods and Men."

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