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Monday, October 20, 2014

Angry, Happy and Sad

- Slut Shaming.

"Because it's always a woman's fault, why men cheat..."

This made me angry...I read this article about a mistress in China being ambushed, dragged and beaten in public by four women. The crime, being that she slept with a married man.

I was appalled by this. This was a despicable act. Violence never answers a problem. Capital punishment and cursing someone doesn't work either. Look, I don't think marriage is sacred, but let's not get into all of that...The man slept with this woman and she gets beaten. Apparently, this is quite common in China. People do not get involved because these are matters of the heart...nice excuse.

Where is our dignity? Where is our common humanity? How can people continue to systematically gawk, record and not interfere? Nobody stepped in to stop this heinous beat down of an innocent woman.

Pandemonium - Now, I remember watching this video a while ago. It put a smile on my face. I smiled at the first 2-3 people ONLY. They displayed courage. Everyone afterward was just jumping in. All we human beings need is for one person to act and show us how. We see others react to a terrible situation like that, where there is no thinking, only acting involved. That is brilliant!

Back to my the beating of the mistress, all this woman did was fuck a married man! She did not rape him! Oh, she coerced him, they say; yes, the man hated every minute of it, he could not resist. It's the temptress' fault. We human beings will blame everyone else before we even take a gander at ourselves.

Why wasn't the man beaten? Was he even scolded? Read the article below and you may get some insight into this juvenile and archaic display of behavior.

-Final comment on this piece. It would have been better if the wife and mistress sat down for coffee and talked about how terrible men are or something. When it's all said and done, the husband will not be divorced, he'll keep fucking his wife - in essence, he'll still have his cake and eat it too! Oh, he'll probably cheat again, so there's another slimmer slice of cake in his future...


- Not conforming makes me happy.

I don't care if a chick has pit hair. Nope. Don't care at all. Hair is hair...remember that George Carlin Poem on hair? Here it is: Hair Poem By George Carlin

Society shouldn't dictate people's appearances. Forget uniforms, shaving, white collar look etc.

The attire of life is simple. Naked or clothed. Come on people. If someone wishes to shave, they will shave, if not let them grow the hair on their bodies out until you cannot see them anymore.

If we continue to control, stigmatize the appearance of people, (mainly women), we will continue to further divide the two sexes. The article below lists pertinent reasons as to why we should cease the stigmatization.


-  Not being truthful, leads to awkward and sad moments.

I have no picture to show for this one. I only have a quick story. This is an account of what happened to me a few days ago, while location scouting for an upcoming project. I was walking in Washington Heights going west on 181 street.

I was on my way to check out the little "Red Lighthouse." I took the bridge to cross over  the Henry Hudson Parkway, I went down the slope around the loop toward the lighthouse. On my way there. I made eye contact with a man. He was a bald man, of light complexion. He appeared to be hiking or going for a run. As we passed each other we looked back at one another. I was confused because perhaps  I somehow knew him and did not remember. I was afraid I was being rude, nevertheless I continued on. I saw a patch of downward rocks that led to the river. I wanted to take some pictures there.

 For some reason, I had a strange sense to look back one time. I did, I saw the man standing about 20 yards back. He hadn't moved. His facial expression seemed to be quite indecisive. It was as if he were struggling with a thought. His physical position told me that. His body was facing away from me, but his head was turned the other way, toward me.

I shrugged it off and ambled down the rocks near the water. I sat down and begin to unzip my book bag. As I reached for my camera, I heard something behind me. It was the man. He was walking down toward me. I froze. I was on high alert now. He was coming down slowly, quite hesitantly. He sat down a few yards from me. I was still turned and frozen staring at him.

Our conversation went as followed:


ME: Hey...

STRANGER: Do you have the time?

ME: What?

STRANGER: Time. Do you have the time?

ME; 1:03.

STRANGER: Thank you.

ME: Yup. Don't mention it. (I turned back toward the my camera bag and the view) I still felt his presence.

STRANGER: Taking pictures?

ME: Yeah, I'm waiting for my friend to show up so we can take some photos.


ME: Yup.

STRANGER: Are you gay or bisexual?

ME: No, I'm straight, sorry man.

At that point, I got up to leave.



I left him behind. I did look back once as I tied my shoelaces. I was about 40 yards from where I left him. I saw him walk off and not look back.

I was troubled. Why hadn't he asked me that from the start...I was sad for some reason. Then the reasoning behind my sadness hit me.

He felt terrible for being so awkward. Sure, it was scary at first for me, being stalked like that. It makes one feel threatened. Still, I could not imagine how bad he might have felt. If he had merely asked me my sexual orientation as we passed each other I would have laughed and told him thanks for the compliment but I'm straight.

He could have said the following:

"Hey good looking, do you have a boyfriend?"

I would have laughed pretty hard and said, "WOW! That's a new I know how some women feel...sheesh, you're aggressive, sorry bro, I'm straight."

My point is, that when a moment is there, you take it, you don't wait. The guy must have found me attractive. He could not figure me straight, bi, or gay. He was intrigued so he stopped going in his direction and followed me. It's flattering in a way, but also disturbing.

Now, we had to go throw a slow, scary, awkward dance of words.

It makes me sad that that had to happen.

These are some things that made me angry, happy and sad.