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Friday, February 7, 2014

"Sapiosexual" By Greg Hernandez

A straight male can adapt-he can forget the breasts, buttocks, full luscious cherry lipped duck faces and appreciate what is most important-a woman's mind.

"Selfies" are worthless. Physique has its limitations. Want to know what really turns me on? Sure, I'll tell you. It is the woman in Strand's bookstore and St. Marks Bookstore perusing the Literature and Science Fiction section. Our hands touch as we collide on the last Neil Gaiman novel on the shelf. She also reads Jhumpa Lahiri.

She sips wine and speaks her mind. Laughs freely at our conversations and does not need me to entertain her or make her laugh. She is smart enough to let the chortling happen when it is organic. She is versatile, exquisite, vulnerable, sassy in a good way-sass with the facts and attitude, not just the latter.

I listen to her. I can learn from her. She inspires me to be a better man. Her rhetoric gives me an erection. Our brain storming sessions cause me to ejaculate. The giddiness she displays when discussing the arts: Theatre, Film, Painting, Sculpture, Psychedelic Rock, Hip-Hop, Indie Rock, and Metal is alluring. She stopped twerking because it was now in the dictionary and  Miley Cyrus did it, which she found to be deplorable.

Her mind keeps me sharp. I believe it will for decades if we marry. I invest in her because her mind is gorgeous. With that logic, the rest of her is as well. I appreciate her completely. First, I view the mind, it must come first before the body, the sex, everything. The mind is the ultimate gift we humans possess. I cherish it. I find intelligent women to be the sexiest creatures alive. A dumb model makes me limp. An intelligent model makes me become inebriated on the very idea that she is my soul mate, that I must possess her. Knowledge is a dangerous thing, I am eternally bound to it. I choose it above all else. An intelligent woman will be great in bed for me, because I know that we can build up the rapport that makes a relationship last.

Forget arrogance, egotistical thinking, and vainglorious pride. If she can back it up, so be it. I would aspire to match her, not be intimidated by her. I view her as my equal. I respect her. She is not a thing. She is an intelligent human being, that happens to make me extremely horny.

I am Sapiosexual.

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