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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Digital Nap" By Greg Hernandez

Take a digital nap-your eyes and body will thank you for it in the long scheme of things. "Remember your chair is your enemy!"


Like that picture? Don't worry, we will get to that in a bit, for now STAND UP! Good. Now continue reading while standing!

Smoking to lung cancer, fast foods to obesity, studies upon studies regarding each coming health crisis-the new age of health concern is here. Our health and our stress are being exacerbated by laptops, smart phones, iPads, tablets, television, and video games. Unlike cigarettes and greasy foods, the electronic phenomenon that has swept across the industrialized world is obviously here to stay. Fine, that is alright, as long as it’s done in moderation.  Quite frankly so far, it has been the opposite. As human beings we were not biologically designed to be sitting still for so long. Muscle fatigue and deterioration are two obvious reasons, but let's delve deeper to find the grotesque impact of excessive computer use.

A quick google search leads me to this: Proven-Side-Effects-Of-Sitting-All-Day.

1. Deep Vein Thrombosis
2. Obesity
3. Increased Risk of Heart Disease
4. Risk of Diabetes
5. Raised Cholesterol
6. Herniated Disk
7. Poor Posture.
8. Knee Pain.
9. Muscle Weakness
10. Increased Risk of Depression
11. Slowed Metabolism
12. Neck Problems
13. Back Aches and Pain
14. Shorter Life Span
There you have it folks, get off the chair and exercise! According to a report in Men's Fitness magazine, it only takes twenty-one minutes a day of exercise to reduce depression. Stay active. Nobody is telling you to give up your social media, your games, your friends, your online activity, your apps, your texting, calling, video chatting, etc. Try to handle it in moderation. Give your back, neck, butt, head, and most of all eyes a rest!

Excuse me if I begin to preach, but I see many people on the trains using their smart phones or tablets to play games. No service underground, no problem. Your app is there to keep you entertained. Do we need to constantly be entertained? I close my eyes and dose off. I listen to music. I take out my book and read. Yes, I prefer to read my paperback instead of reading it on my tablet! I'm not old school, I could switch to the tablet, I just seldom do. Why? I am on the computer and phone enough as it is. My eyes need a break. Dogs maybe man's best friend, but in this digital age naps are our close cousins. Closing our eyes for even twenty minutes can greatly reduce the level of daily computer stress. I am not alone, because I see others on the train doing the same thing. It is possible to take a digital nap on the train.
Notice how we are more connected than ever, yet we're slowly becoming robots. Our conversations virtually contain zero substance. We are awkward, out of shape beings. No I am not talking about online dating, I am talking about the gargantuan scope of our computer activity, and it really is off the charts.

Read up on the details here...I HOPE YOU'RE STILL STANDING UP!


Moderation is the key. Homework, studying, work, personal work on the computer is fine, some games and social media is understandable too. But we should all strive for reducing our online activity. Try for an hour a day. Let's call it a digital diet. We all must wean ourselves of the megabytes. After all, our eyes are not meant to be staring at screens all day. The less blinking we do the worse we're off. I am still preaching and I apologize, but it is the truth. Get off the couch and the chair and exercise. Go for a run. Too much snow, sign up for the gym. Not enough cash? Purchase a yoga mat. Stretch and exercise for a half hour. You'll thank me later. Did I type up this whole thing while standing up? Of course I did!

If you don't listen, well, you may end up looking like this...


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